Dark Mode Logo! Indicated by the icon at the top left corner of each logo, you can toggle between the dark and light versions. Currently available to selected logos only.
Experience our refreshed UI! It's the same Logoipsum you've come to love, but with a delightful twist. Now, each logo is accompanied by a detailed description that includes:
Beneath the surface, the code is also upgraded to enhance your site experience. Let me know what you think of the new UI by sending us a message to @logoipsum.com at Bluesky.
Added resources page that compiles and curates branding and logo related supply. If you have any products related to logo or design in general you can submit your product to logoipsum@gmail.com. If selected, your product will be included in our resources page.
Hotlinking: for fellow developers (and designers too!), now you can hotlinking any logoipsum's logo SVG or PNG with the url:
Change the extension to PNG, if you want PNG image. You can find the id number when previewing logo artwork page url. For example, here is the artwork page:
288 is the logo_id, and you can simply write:
You can also copy the hotlinking url in the action bar on the artwork page. This feature currently at: "Let's see how fast the bandwidth get drained."
Localize: Localize logo using language/script around the world! Currently available in Japanese and Chinese (both are reads "Logo").
Direct link: Click link icon at end right of each logo when you hover to open it in dedicated window. It comes with direct link URL to a logo. Share to twitter or copy link and share it anywhere.
Stats: It was made for internal usage to see which logo more popular than others, but I decided to make it public. Although no direct link in the homepage, but you can see it at logoipsum.com/stats